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Updating from v3 to v4

There are some major changes in Shoukaku v4. Here is some major changes that need to be made to your code.

Common usage

Getting a node

As node resolving is configurable in v4, the method to do so has changed.

const node = shoukaku.getNode();
const node = shoukaku.options.nodeResolver(shoukaku.nodes);

Joining voice channels

You now join voice channels using the main Shoukaku class, and not on the Node class

const player = await node.joinChannel({
const player = await shoukaku.joinVoiceChannel({
guildId: "your_guild_id",
channelId: "your_channel_id",
shardId: 0, // if unsharded it will always be zero (depending on your library implementation)

Resolving tracks

You can also use the player.node property after connecting to a voice channel to resolve tracks, but the old method would still work.

const result = await"scsearch:snowhalation");
const result = await"scsearch:snowhalation");

Playing tracks

Play the track using the encoded metadata.

player.playTrack({ track: metadata.track })
await player.playTrack({ track: { encoded: metadata.encoded } });

Leaving voice channels

Similar to joining voice channels, it is also on the main Shoukaku class.

await shoukaku.leaveVoiceChannel(player.guildId);

Other changes

Player methods

Player methods now return promises.

await player.playTrack(;
await player.stopTrack();


There are 2 kinds of volumes you can set, global and filter.

The global volume accepts 0-1000 as it’s values

await player.setGlobalVolume(100);

To check the current global volume


The filter volume accepts 0.0-5.0 as it’s values

await player.setFilterVolume(1.0);

To check the current filter volume (filters.volume can be undefined)


Internal changes

New variable in shoukaku class, which handles the “connection data” of discord only


Players are moved from node.players to shoukaku.players


You can supply a custom node resolver for your own way of getting an ideal node by supplying the nodeResolver option in Shoukaku options

const ShoukakuOptions = {
nodeResolver: (nodes, connection) => getYourIdealNode(nodes, connection),