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Common Usage

Join a voice channel, search for a track, play the track, then disconnect after 30 seconds

  1. Tell Lavalink to join a Discord voice channel.
    const player = await shoukaku.joinVoiceChannel({
    guildId: "your_guild_id",
    channelId: "your_channel_id",
    shardId: 0, // if unsharded it will always be zero (depending on your library implementation)
  2. Determine which Node to use.
    const node = shoukaku.options.nodeResolver(shoukaku.nodes);
  3. Search for a track, here we are searching via SoundCloud, using the scsearch: prefix. The string after the prefix is the search query.
    const result = await"scsearch:snowhalation");
    if (!result?.tracks.length) return;
    const metadata = result.tracks.shift();
  4. Tell Lavalink to play the searched track.
    await player.playTrack({ track: { encoded: metadata.encoded } });
  5. After 30 seconds, tell Lavalink to leave the voice channel.
    setTimeout(() => shoukaku.leaveVoiceChannel(player.guildId), 30000).unref();

Playing a track and changing a playback option

Here we are changing the volume, you can do other stuff as well.

await player.playTrack({ track: { encoded: metadata.encoded } });
await player.setGlobalVolume(50);

You can also update the player without using helper functions

await player.update({ ...playerOptions });

Custom function to get the ideal node

When executing any action, an API endpoint is called on a Lavalink node. When there are many nodes passed in the configuration, some logic is used to select the node to perform actions on.

const shoukaku = new Shoukaku(
new Connectors.DiscordJS(client),
[{ ...yourNodeOptions }],
nodeResolver: (nodes, connection) => getYourIdealNode(nodes, connection),
const player = await shoukaku.joinVoiceChannel({
guildId: "your_guild_id",
channelId: "your_channel_id",
shardId: 0,