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Configuration Options

resumebooleanfalseWhether to resume a connection on disconnect to Lavalink (Server Side) (Note: DOES NOT RESUME WHEN THE LAVALINK SERVER DIES)
resumeTimeoutnumber30Timeout before resuming a connection in seconds
resumeByLibrarybooleanfalseWhether to resume the players by doing it in the library side (Client Side) (Note: TRIES TO RESUME REGARDLESS OF WHAT HAPPENED ON A LAVALINK SERVER)
reconnectTriesnumber3Number of times to try and reconnect to Lavalink before giving up
reconnectIntervalnumber5Timeout before trying to reconnect in seconds
restTimeoutnumber60Time to wait for a response from the Lavalink REST API before giving up in seconds
moveOnDisconnectbooleanfalseWhether to move players to a different Lavalink node when a node disconnects
userAgentstring(auto)User Agent to use when making requests to Lavalink
structuresObject{rest?, player?}{}Custom structures for shoukaku to use
voiceConnectionTimeoutnumber15Timeout before abort connection in seconds
nodeResolverfunctionfunctionCustom node resolver if you want to have your own method of getting the ideal node